Sunday, October 4, 2009


So tell us...  of the Bar/Bat Mitzvot you've attended, what made the great ones fun & memorable, and what made the not-so-great ones, well, not-so-great?  What did you think was fun, tasty, classy, or creative?  How was it themed, decorated, and tied together?  What kept the adults entertained?  What kept the kids entertained?  Were the favors just for kids?  Were the favors cute, practical, useful, cheap, or wasteful?

Did you plan a Bar/Bat Mitzvah for your child and have a DJ, band, caterer, or idea that you'd like to pass on?  Or do you have one you'd recommend against using?  Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, referrals, and all that...  Thanks!

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